When Is the Best Time to Post on YouTube (2024 Update)

best time to post on YouTube

It’s not easy to create a successful YouTube video. Beyond having a compelling theme and concept, the timing of your video’s release is crucial for maximizing its reach. The difference between your video going viral and fading into the internet often boils down to the time you hit that “publish” button.

In this blog, we will explore and share the best time to post on YouTube, help you understand the importance of timing in your YouTube content, and grow your video engagement. It is the perfect time to grow your YouTube channel. Now let’s get started!

Table of Contents:

How Does Posting Time Matter on YouTube?

Posting time on YouTube can impact how many people see and engage with your video content. You can reach your audience when they are most likely to be online and interested in viewing by posting your video at the proper time. This will boost more views, likes, comments, and overall success for your YouTube channel.

What is the Best Time to Post on YouTube?

Now that you are aware of how important timing is for YouTube videos, so when is the best time to post on YouTube?

We did a survey and compiled a comprehensive list outlining the optimal times for posting to YouTube. We hope this sheet can serve as a reference to accelerate your progress. Here’s the schedule:

Day of The WeekBest Time of a Day to Post YouTube Video
Monday2 to 4 PM
Tuesday3 to 6 PM
Wednesday6 to 9 PM
Thursday12 to 3 PM
Friday12 to 3 PM
Saturday9 AM to 11 AM
Sunday9 AM to 11 AM

For optimal YouTube content scheduling, it’s advisable to aim for the afternoon, particularly after 3 p.m. Based on a HubSpot study on social media engagement, the most favorable times for YouTube are between 3 to 6 p.m. and 6 to 9 p.m.


Monday is the second-worst day to post content, causing people to return to their regular weekly routines, and become busier with work and personal commitments. If you want to post on Monday, consider posting between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m., catching individuals during school pickups or the afternoon work lull.


Tuesday is the least engaging day for YouTube, with only 10% of respondents favoring it. You can choose from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. timeframe to post your content.


Generally, it isn’t an ideal day for posting videos on YouTube, as people remain occupied with work, school, and other tasks. However, if you must post on Wednesdays, it’s best to upload in the late afternoon or early evening when people are winding down.


Engagement on YouTube tends to peak on Thursday and Friday cause people prepare for the weekend. On Thursday, consider posting your content between 12 p.m. and 3 p.m., targeting late afternoon and early evening viewers.


Friday is one of the best days for posting your video. People are gearing up for a weekend of relaxation and catching up on their favorite YouTube creators. Similar to Thursday, aim for the 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. slot to give your video ample circulation during peak viewing hours.

Saturday & Sunday:

During this time frame, many people are awake and have free time on the weekends. They may be looking for content to watch during their leisurely mornings. The viewers might have more time to engage with longer videos or watch multiple videos in succession on weekends. Posting in the morning allows your content to be available for viewers throughout their day.

Worst Time to Post on YouTube

The least optimal times for uploading content on YouTube are either in the early morning, before 7 to 9 a.m., or in the late evening (9 p.m. to 12 a.m.). This is a result of people being mostly occupied with work and schoolwork or getting ready for bed at these times.

So, when planning the posting time, it’s critical to consider the time zone of your primary viewership.

Tips for Finding the Best Time to Post on YouTube

watching a youtube video on laptop on the sofa

Here’s not an accurate time to post your YouTube video, because determining the sweet spot in your publication schedule to post on YouTube requires a combination of research, analysis, and experimentation. Here are some tips to help you find the best posting times for your channel:

  • Know Your Audience’s Behavior

You can use YouTube’s built-in analytics tools to track your audience’s activity patterns. Pay attention to metrics like traffic sources, watch time, and audience retention to find out when your viewers are most active.

Look for trends in your historical data to spot patterns in audience engagement.

  • Seasonal Trends:

Keep holidays and seasonal patterns in mind. In order to capitalize on the increasing interest, create content that follows these patterns and post it ahead of time.

  • Time Zones:

If you have a global audience, you can upload your content at times that are convenient for different time zones to maximize reach.

  • Competitive Analysis:

Analyze the posting schedules of your competitors or channels within your niche. What times and days do they typically upload content? This can provide insights into when your potential viewers are online.

  • A/B Testing:

Experiment with different posting times and days. Create a posting schedule and stick to it for several weeks while posting at various times. Measure the performance of each video to identify which times yield the best results. Don’t forget to test different days of the week as well, as audience behavior may vary.

  • Seek Feedback:

Engage with your audience and ask for their input on your posting schedule. Conduct surveys or use community posts to gather feedback and preferences.


1. What is the best time of day to post on YouTube?

The best time to post on YouTube varies, but generally, late morning or early afternoon between 11 a.m and 2 p.m is recommended.

2. How often should you post on YouTube?

The frequency of your YouTube uploads depends on your content creation capacity and the quality of your videos. It’s generally better to prioritize consistency over quantity. Many successful YouTubers post at least once a week to keep their audience engaged.

3. How to get more views on YouTube?

To get more views on YouTube, create quality content, optimize titles and descriptions, promote on social media, collaborate, engage with your audience, and use analytics to tailor your content.

Final Words

YouTube is a great platform to reach a captive audience, to grow your channel, you should know when is the best time to post on YouTube.

This article provides a list of ideal posting time, but it’s important to note that there isn’t a absolute best time to upload your content. The ideal timing varies based on factors like your video’s genre, your target audience’s activity, and their time zone. By following the recommended tips we outlined, you can easily discover the optimal time to post your specific circumstances, and increased traffic and a larger audience.

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